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Letter to my friend, FM. (Part 2)


Hi FM,

The sixth day of mourning your loss but I am not mourning you anymore. There is a way God has replaced my mourning with joy and my heaviness with praise. It is unexplainable, but that is my current reality.

You took academics very seriously. Too serious for a guy that knows deep within him that he doesn't or will never take lawyering as a profession. To you, what is worth doing at all is worth doing well. Law library constant customer. Early to come, the last to leave. Always and every day.

I remembered how you hated to offer Intellectual property law II in 300 lvl second semester but you were too confident that you will still survive the course. It is amusing to think that your confidence collapsed and paralyzed a few weeks before the exam. You didn't hide your fears about the course. You would always say "Fapetu ti fe pami. Ko kan yemimo." (Mr fapetu wants to kill me. I don't even understand anymore). Even when I try to explain to you, your conversation span for that course never exceeds 40 minutes 😂. Thereafter, you would say, "Ma je kin punish e, ko wo ori mo" (Don't let me punish you, I am not assimilating anymore.)

Who would think that as much as you valued listening in class; yet, if I don't have a seat you won't give a hoot to stand up for me? It's funny how I would stand in front of you with my bag and make this babyish dance. Then you would pat my shoulder and say "Aburo mi nooni e. (You are my junior sister) They have handed you over to me. If I don't take care of you, you will suffer. Pele wa joko (Sorry come and sit)" You would carry your book and watch me sit. I remembered this time I looked back one day and I saw you sitting with half butt -two seats backward - adjacent to me. 

At the beginning of this semester, your words to me were "shanu mini semester yi jo. (Please pity me this semester). Let me know when you are reading" I remembered a day, after you finished taking my pictures at the back of the class, I started strategizing with you the best styles to adopt to read diligently this semester.I was ignorantly planning with you a semester that you wouldn't see the end. How could we not know that they are fantasies and that death would snatch you away amidst?Last week Saturday, you were already fighting for your life on the sick bed. In good faith, I sent you a message that early morning to know if you will come to school to read that day. How could I not know that you don't give a damn about my reading strategy at that moment? (SMH🙃)

In all,  you didn't joke with schoolwork and classes. Well-focused and diligent. I loved looking at you side eyed and the I will whisper "Ore mi shana!" (My brilliant friend)


Let me rest the pen for tonight, to continue tomorrow.

Goodnight 💕 

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